Degrees of Abuse: Part 1: ‘[He] puts the perv in supervisor’

Illustration and logo depicting 'Degrees of Abuse'.
Some of the world's most elite universities are failing to protect their students when it comes to sexual misconduct by staff or other students. [Al Jazeera Investigative Unit] (Al Jazeera)

Starting this week, every Friday, we will be bringing you one episode of the series Degrees of Abuse produced by Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit.

The series explores how some of the world’s most elite universities are failing to protect their students when it comes to sexual misconduct.

He’s a famous professor at Oxford in the UK, one of the world’s most prestigious universities. But across three decades and three institutions, women have described him as a sexual predator. During a two-year investigation, Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit uncovers systematic failures inside the walls of academia that have only served to protect their lecturers. We hear from women who are fighting to shift the balance of power.

*Please note some listeners may find these accounts upsetting. 

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Source: Al Jazeera